Snow White Inspired Dress

Snow White Inspired Dress by Little Wellies

Are you planning a Snow White themed party for your little girl? 
The first thing you need is her new favorite dress, a handmade Snow White Inspired "Playground Princess" dress [by Little Wellies of course!] From there, you should visit, Anders Ruff for all your printable supplies. Maureen of Anders Ruff has the sweetest Snow White Inspired Printables + lots of other great ideas to ensure your Snow White birthday is everything she dreams it will be. The invitations invitations start with "Once upon a time" and end with a "Happily Ever After" RSVP. Don't forget to include "poison" apples, red lipstick, big jeweled ring pops, and the perfect palette of royal blue and true yellows! Your princess will be left in a dream party she won't want to leave!

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